Great League Start
Posted by Colin Wood on 26 October 2020
A free scoring start for all teams, with three solid wins at the
weekend, with 56 players in action and some itching on the
sidelines to return to action. Full results and match reports on
the website along with news updates on New Kit arrival, training
times and upcoming Vets games for O40/50’s in the EH Cup.
The final four MNF (Monday Night Fitness) sessions with PT Bruce
in the gym, continue from 7-8pm until the 16th Nov!! Get along
whilst they’re here!!!
Next weeks squads are being set and will appear on the website
generally by Wednesday so you can train within your weekend team.
Let’s keep up the momentum from a great pre-season and support
all players to get those weekend points!!
Club Coaches
PGSOB Training & Development